ClassDojo is an online classroom management platform and app where teachers can record and track student behavior, facilitate classroom activities, curate student portfolios, and engage in school-to-home communication. Student sign-in... read more →
Raz-Plus is a comprehensive blended learning platform that includes the curricular support teachers need and the personalized resources necessary to improve students' reading skills. With more than 50,000 resources that... read more →
Amplify Reading is a personalized learning program for grades K-5 with captivating storylines to engage students in powerful reading instruction and practice. Whether students are learning to read fluently or... read more →
mCLASS is a universal screener that measures the development of reading skills of all students in grades K-5 through two main assessments: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)... read more →
enVision Mathematics is a comprehensive K-5 math curriculum that offers the flexibility of print, digital, and blended instruction. enVision Mathematics provides the focus, coherence, and rigor of the Common Core... read more →
Rocket Math is a supplemental learning program that teaches students addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions. Specifically, the program teaches math facts–the basic building blocks of all math. Students learn... read more →
Kodable is an all-in-one programming curriculum for elementary schools. It provides an engaging game paired with a full curriculum that takes students from learning to think like a programmer in... read more →
Ripple Effects for Kids is a research-based tool to help children solve personal problems, including discipline problems, often related to trauma and other non-academic issues that get in the way... read more →
Words Their Way Classroom carefully aligns instruction with the five developmental stages of spelling: Emergent-Early Letter Name, Letter Name, Within Word Pattern, Syllables and Affixes, and Derivational Relations. Word Study... read more →